A while back, my father in law bought 3 pony mares, to help a family out whose house was destroyed in this springs series of Tornados, here are the pony's Maddie is the little bay one in front, then Peaches and then Tess
and the Little one is "JULY". My inlaws went down to the pony pasture to feed and found what at first they thought was a dog. isnt she cute.
she seems to be real friendly and curious about everything, which I always think is a good thing.
So Happy Birthday America and July
here is July and her momma Tess
oh and by the way we think the other two pony mares are bred too, so I guess we will have more pony babies running around. It is unbeliveable at how little they are I was just simply amazed.
Happy 4th everyone
July is so, cute! What a neat surprise.