
Saturday, December 31, 2011


I can’t believe that 2011 is almost over with, it just really flew by, with a quickness.
I’m really thankful for such a wonder year.
just a few december 2011 002
december 2011 016this is the infamous REID she is the most awesome dog ever, and oh my she has so much to say!!! I think she thinks she human.
DSC00015my son TPWB please excuse the helmet hair, so thankful God Blessed me with both of my kids.
DSC00003Crush the new Barn cat, He has done an awesome job taking Suzuki’s place, but I still have a hole in my heart for Suzuki, I promise she was the best barn cat ever!!!
and of course the girls.  Trouble just impresses me everyday… there for a little bit I thought she just flat out didn’t like me but we seem to be progressing
Happy New Years everyone  & be safe

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

TPWB is Back

Well TPWB is back!!  We actually took a break from dirt-bike racing this past summer and fall. 

I think TPWB needed the break, I know his Dad and I did.

But he is back, he had to move up in bike size, we still have to get it set up shock wise for him, because he so light weight, reminds of a bobble head on the track.

Took him to practice, only the 2nd time on this bike,  the 1st time him and his Dad went, TPWB came thru the back and informed me that not horses can throw their riders, dirt bikes can too.  Dad was trying to show him something on his bike and apparently the bike threw him.  But all is well, except a few sore muscles.  But so glad to see my son back doing something he loves.


Monday, December 26, 2011

new bronc halter

Just wanted to share a pic of the new bronc halter my Brother & Sister law gave me for Christmas.  I just absolutely love it!  He is so talented, I just wished I could make stuff as nice as his. DSC00235

I'm so lucky

Today is hubby's birthday, and I'm so lucky, its hard to believe that we are in our mid 40's Oh my where did the time go?  I used to think that 40 was old, not now heck no!!!!!
But so lucky I found him or he found me or that we found each other, it doesn't matter, just that we are together
Happy Birthday

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! I hope Santa got everyone what they wanted.  I know I sure did, Hubby and I had such a good time with the kids this morning and I will never forget Bug walking out of her room, with her eyes so wide in amazement that Santa really did come see her.
And my Paisley Bell boots, Oh my I just love them all the color combinations I'll be able to do, just endless possibilities, love it!!!! 

And the Custom made Bronc halter from My brother and sister in law, he does such awesome work! will have to get a pic up of soon,  Hubby made me promise to use this one, it really is way to pretty to use.
Again Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We all have one....

Yep, that is right we all have the one person in our family, extended family, well not even really extended family, that is just a little bit out there.... got to spend time with that person last night.... but decided I was not going to allow her to ruin my Christmas Party, and I am happy to say I stuck to my plan... was fashionably late, and left fashionably early... love it when a plan works out.  Had a wonderful time with family and friends... except that one person, that just demands to be the diva and all eyes must be on them no matter what the cost... just so sad I have video... now I just have to keep telling my evil side " I will not post on You Tube"  don't know how many times I've repeated that to myself this am :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas is upon us....

Well, Christmas is upon us .... and I still have shopping to do oh my.... I have no idea why I procrastinate when it comes to shopping....I mean come one I must be weird... I despise shopping...I mean most women like to shop, right? not mean... so I trudged through the mall, wondering aimlessly through the mall.... but I did get some gifts bought... still have a ways to go, and nine days to get it done.... next year I will not procrastinate when it comes to shopping, especially after explaining to hubby why and how on earth I dropped so much $$ in one day LOL
Merry Christmas!!!
sorry its been such a while it has been crazy, crazy around here...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Getting organized

Trying to get my house organized and keep it that way so that I will have more time to spend with the kids and doing the things that I love to do.

I’m just trying to figure out how in the heck did all this stuff get in my house.  

I dream of coming home to a clean, organized, laundry down and put away no more grabbing clean clothes out a laundry basket.

no, stacks of paper and mail,  I’m dreaming of having a place for  everything and everything in its place.

okay I’m awake from my dream,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Trail Riding

Took the new mare for a little trail ride last Sunday,

I have to say she did really good, I mean she did really good.

Her and my BIL’s new horse Cookie, who by the way is gorgeous

just wait till I can get some pictures up of her.  They are the young ones, both of


them acted like the solid season pros.  While on the other hand the Solid

Seasoned Pros acted like a bunch of  years olds.

I’m seriously thinking about getting into the competitive trail riding stuff, give the

girls something else to do besides running barrels.  Think it might help me get my

seat back too.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bug & Sue

Sue is my Sister in laws horse. 

we affectionly call her Sue So Fast, although my niece when poking fun at her mom will call her Sue So Fat.  But, we all know the truth, she is Sue So Fast.

Even the Bug girl knows it,  she thinks Sue is going to be hers one day, well she already thinks Sue is hers Smile  Everyone loves some Sue deer back yard 9-2011 005

here is Bug telling Go Sue Go

deer back yard 9-2011 006

Sue is such a good sport about everything,

Monday, October 17, 2011

More friends

Here are some more friends we have living around our house. 

this is from The Friday night that we went to the fair as we were leaving the drive.

9-10-11 017

This is from the the next weekend in the back yard

9-10-11 038

This is from the next, next weekend further back in the back yard

deer back yard 9-2011 002

What is so sad these deer are coming into our yards, because of all the new people coming in and building new houses they have now where else to go.  I have thought about throwing some feed out for them. But common sense tells me that even though as pretty as they are to look at, they could become a nuisance pretty quick.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Say Hello to my little friend

Meet my little friend, she or he has been with me all summer

9-10-11 008

Isn’t she beautiful, never thought I would think a spider was beautiful

my friend called her a zipper spider. I really don’t know what kind she is. 

9-10-11 007

but I really enjoyed watching her all summer.  She has decided to leave as I was at the barn yesterday I notice her and her web were gone.  Hopefully she will come back to visit next summer. 9-10-11 006

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I love going to the fair, although the fair here does little to remind me of the fairs from my youth.

Totally different here in town, than in the country.  I didn’t get as many pictures as I wanted because we spilt up taking the kids to ride rides… when you have have 10 years between your kids…. well lets just say I don’t think the Bug is ready to ride the rides TPWB wants to ride…. although TPWB was a good sport and rode the “little kids” rides with is sister

9-10-11 023here is TPWB walking up to one ride

9-10-11 024hey he actually heard me and turned around

9-10-11 018how sweet is this? 9-10-11 035or this

9-10-11 030I wonder what he is telling her? but look they are sitting next to each other and not fighting.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Guess Where I've Been?

Well, besides the usually you know,
Work, that place we all have to go,
unless you win the big lotto, that's not gonna happen here
you got to play to win, I don't play.
Grocery store, well that's a necessary evil,
Trust me, it is evil for those of us with a teenage boy.
But, really I've been able to ride the new mare a couple of times,
since I brought her home. So far so good we have some things to work
on but we will get there.  I love her willingness she just seems to be Thankful
for the attention that she gets. 
Shes not perfect, She needs some work, She has some issues
But her Attitude makes up for all the nots
This makes me happy,
unlike the Grocery store
I still haven't thought of a name,
I'm thinking its to much trouble
to change her name
and the old timers say it will bring you
Trouble (bad luck) if you change their  names
Although I am thinking about Dottie or Allie
but she just might stay Trouble
and she is so different from my fire breathing, let me at it,
short strided, short mare who is so jealous of her. I get tickled
watching them in the pasture it is funny

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Well I'm finally glad to report that Trouble has arrived at my barn and as of last night she was safely tucked in her stall.

She is just a little girl, ( that is what C calls herself when she is in trouble)  but hopefully she will work out for me. She is really quiet so far, and that is what I liked about her.  I'm not worried about going fast yet if she can put me in the  4D I will be tickled pink.  We will worry about running later on right now we just need to get to know each other and I might need to think of a new name, because Trouble just seems a little negative but we shall see :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Horse Maybe

well, I think I have found a new horse
This makes me happy
went and rode her last Sunday, Laid back just what I need to get my feet wet
going to watch her at a show today
if I like what I see I will bring her home from the show
its a long haul up there I cant see making 2 trips
when it is a 100+ miles one way
will definitaly have the vet out 1st thing Sunday morning or might even stop by on the way home to pull blood, can't be having the Black Horse from Hades again thats another story within its self
oh and this mare is nothing that I set out looking for except maybe a mare :) 
no color
to tall
no where bred like I wanted
and I will have to definitely check into changing her name both barn name and paper name Please Lord let me be able to change her registered name

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Well, I went and looked at the horse friend of a friend type deal… the little mare is cute and put together nice… did see some things that would worry me a little bit… But what worried my more is the way I reacted to being on a different horse… I really need to ride different horses I think after 17 years of riding the same horse has really hurt me, along with not “really” riding in the last 5 years.  Oh I can’t  forget the extra pounds I’m toting around.  But I can choose to dwell on all the above listed negatives or I can choose to do something about it. 

I’m choosing to do something about it… like my younger and wiser niece always says:  “Dream it, Wish it, DO IT”  gotta love the 20 something’s Smile  you only live once

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Texas Wildfires

My heart just goes to the folks in Texas that are in harms way due to the Wildfires, I have never in my life had to endure something to this magnitude…Yeah sure a tornado, straight line winds, hurricanes, flooding but never something so final as a fire that eats and destroys everything in its path. 

The folks down there are already struggling with a drought, and a series of Wildfires earlier this summer and now this.  From my understanding there is over 14,000 acres burning right now that is not contained around Bastrop, TX. bastrop tx fire

I got this photo off of BHW,  Can you imagine driving towards that I can not.  It just breaks my heart that these folks have suffered so much this past year.  That families are loosing everything.  All I can do is offer up prayers for rain and that they can get this contain.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Been a while

I've kinda of neglected this blog for the last month or so...
so much has  been going on ... school started last year of middle school for TPWB... already proving to be rough year, but we will get it through it . 
We haven't been racing much, have moved TPWB up to a bigger bike that really scares me, but can't let him know that
Still haven't found a horse yet, have looked at a couple, was supposed to look at one Sunday, she texts Saturday she has already taken a deposit.  Had another one lined up for this week, but then she went and posted the horse for more $ on a for sale site... after we had discussed me trying it... that make me not want to even go look at it... I know I'm hard headed but to me that's not good business oh well some folks have character some folks don't.
the weather today is so nice!! finally has cooled off some, but I'm sure it will heat right back up.
I have been riding my old mare a little here lately, even took her off the farm (so to speak) for the 1st time in 5 yrs,  I was so proud of her :)  Well I better get busy hope everyone has a great Labor day
I love this mare!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Definitely in the wrong field.

Had a friend call me today, been friends since high school, her daughter has been going to horse camp.
The owner/director of the horse camp wants to charge my friend $150 dollars to haul her daughter, along with the other campers. She does haul the horses to the show, and she allows the campers to use her horses and she "coaches" them thru the barrel pattern at the show.  Now, I could see charging this much if she was hauling a pretty good distance, only hauling 10 miles or  so.  I could see charging this much if it was money show, its only a local twice a month ribbon show.   My friend has been out of horses for a little bit, she still has a few around her place but nothing trust worthy for a 13 yr old girl.  So she called and asked my opinion.... Oh boy
1st I told her I though $150 was a little way to much to carry the girls to a show, they needed to pay her something but $150 per child was a little much, but you know I'm kinda of cheap.  But, this $150 was on top of the $100+ a week that each child pays.
2nd I told her to sell the hooligans in her pasture and get her daughter a been there done it horse... she doesn't want to do that... wants to get one of her  hooligans in the pasture going for her daughter... I think I need to leave this alone.  It just amazes me parents want their children to do good, but then they don't want to spend the time, money or energy to give them the tools to be good.  And yet she told me I was stupid for doing what I do for my oldies, oh well some folks just have to learn the hard way.

new dirt bike

Well TPWB has sold his RM85 .... I was really sad to see it go, it was such a good bike, I have alot of good memories with my son and this bike.  This is the 1st day we got her:

oh if your wondering who the 4 legs belong to in the background, thats my niece C on her new horse at the time Ace.  He didn't last very long though, he was scary fast though and a good look joker, but I guess I better leave it at that :) anyhoo here the rest of him

Now back to bikes, TPWB decided to sell his bike, unbeknownst to me, him and his daddy decided to move him up in bike size to a RM125.  Now, I'm wondering is my 13 yo ready for a bigger bike, is he ready for tougher competition, ready to race against adults?  All these questions race thru my head, especially since he has been struggling on the 85, hubby keeps trying to tell me it has to do with TPWB not being comfortable on the smaller bike due to him being so tall, I don't know I guess I'm just going to have to worry about him being out there with more experience riders or I can cut his legs off a the knees and put him back on his 65 ( disclaimer just kidding about cutting his legs off would never really do that ) but I really do miss the KX65 days, it was the bike that started all of this
its how we ended up with the number 55 hubby took it as some kind of sign, it was his old football jersey number.  Here is a cool pic I caught on the last race on the 65 at Shelby ShowPlace arena
poor little guy I hate when it happens, it usually means mommas gotta buy Ethel some new fenders, or she has to hunt zip ties and duck tape, that stuff is amazing.

but just wanted to say bye to Ethel, she has been a good girl for 3yrs even though she cost me my new horse I think it was worth it
the last ride in the danger ranger :)  hope she brings lots of good luck to her next kid.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

horse shopping

Horse shopping is worse than shopping for a husband
Oh wait your not suppose to shop for husbands,
you just kinda of run in to them.
maybe that is what I am doing wrong,
Just gotta run into the right horse.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pretty Penny

This is Penny doing what Penny Likes to do

This is Penny again doing what she likes to do
But, when Penny does what she likes to do it makes these hurt.
I borrowed a picture of Fancy's feet, didn't have any of Penny's I don't thinks either one will mind. Just don't tell Fancy she has fat ankles I have hid that travesty from her for 18 yrs shhhh.

so no more green grass for Penny, and she is getting crabby being in a stall, and no more sweet feed, Poor Pretty Penny Pony, she like a child who has lost her favorite toy.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We are dealing with confidence issues with TPWB on his dirtbike racing right now. I looked up the defination of confidence in websters dictionary and it says:

a : a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances b : faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way

We have dealt with alot of issues that have caused him to lose this in himself, he had a friend die while practicing a year or so ago. 2. a friend that he rides with broke his back on his bicycle, 3. family members that are worried about him racing tell him all the terrible things that happen, look at what happen to your friend. 4. Maybe I'm being to hard on him. 5. He is way to hard on himself.

So I'm in the search to find ways to help him gain more confidence in himself. Every coach I have have sent him to, and I have talked to about this all tell me the same thing. He has such a natural ability, he know how to control his body and puts it right where it needs to be instinctly, and that we shouldn't let him quit. Just allow him to come into on his own and not allow the negative people around him. oh and lots more seat time... that is what MX'ers call time in the saddle whoops time on the bike, and really pick and choose what races we go to this year,... told hubby this kinds of reminds me of getting a horse ready to run... So I guess we are working him, TPWB for 45 days go to race , come back work him for another 45 days head to a race and see where we are at... the funny thing is TPWB said Momma, I'm not one of your colts your getting ready for a show LOL gotta love kids. Little does he know in reality he is my #1 Colt that I'm getting ready for life

Monday, July 4, 2011


A while back, my father in law bought 3 pony mares, to help a family out whose house was destroyed in this springs series of Tornados, here are the pony's  Maddie is the little bay one in front, then Peaches and then Tess

and the Little one is "JULY".  My inlaws went down to the pony pasture to feed and found what at first they thought was a dog.  isnt she cute.

she seems to be real friendly and curious about everything, which I always think is a good thing.

So Happy Birthday America and July

here is July and her momma Tess

oh and by the way we think the other two pony mares are bred too, so I guess we will have more pony babies running around.  It is unbeliveable at how little they are I was just simply amazed.
Happy 4th everyone

Sunday, June 26, 2011

start of a new season

Well today is the the start of the new MX Season for my son, I guess we will be running around like crazy from now until the 1st of the new year.   There are 16 races in his series plus the ones we just decided to go to.  I'm staying home today because it is just way to hot to carry the little one when the temps are 96 degrees and God only knows what the heat index is going to be. 
I'm just hoping he rides well and is safe. 
And with the new season I thought I would do something a little different here too.  I'm going to to try to journal 365 days of my riding, with myself and my horses ( one I still have to find ) of getting back into barrel racing. just a disclaimer it might take more that a calendar year, you know us mom's are that way.   And, the things I need to do to get back in the game.  It might just not be about riding, could be barn work, and other things too :)   oh and the new computer had to take it back and get a new one Thank Goodness for Sam's club and their 90 day guarantee.  I will never by another Dell product again, I think the actual machine was okay, but it was their customer service I was very, very disappointed with.  Well, enough of my rambling I'm off to do barn chores before it gets to hot, and I have to purge the little ones room before she gets home.... I'm thinking she might become a candidate for that show hoarders :) 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Made in the USA

Do you know how hard it is to find a pair of decent riding boots made in the USA... Well let me tell you,  I've been searching the internet today.... since I'm home from work...had to have tooth cut out... looking for a new pair of boots.   So far  I found out that only some of Justin's boots are made here, along with Tony Lama's which is what started me on the quest to find a new pair of boots made in the USA... up late watching TV and they are saying all their boots were made in the USA.  So ..... I'm thinking I'm going to go with a either a pair of Anderson Beans aren't these cute?
I hear these are live Heaven for you feet which after a broken foot you need
and I kinda like these  double H boots too

love the fact these are made in Pennsylvania

and I can't count out the Boulet Boots from our neighbors to the north either.  They have some sweet looking boots also :) 

just love the turquoise color on these 

 I'll be sad to let my Justin Gypsy's go, they have served me well, but I feel that I, We need to start serving ourselves and buying American when we can to help each other.  But the main thing will any of these babies hold up to the the hell I can put a pair shoes thru whether it is flip flops, mud boots, tennis shoes or riding boots.  I'll let you know 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hey there

Well again it has been forever since I've updated.  Things are great here finally got a new computer so maybe this computing thing will be a little easier than it has been.  You now when it takes 15 minutes to download  a page it is really time to get a new computer.  But I'm trying to live my life a little more frugally and pay cash for things and save so that we can buy a new house.  We have really outgrown this place,  it is a great starter home but when you have 2 kids  2 adults and 2 dogs all in the same 1700 sq feet things can get a little tight :)  so my project for the next couple of  months is getting this place organized and hopefully it will me give a little more time to do the things I love to do!!!   and a shout out to all the Dads out there Happy Fathers Day  I really missed my dad I wished he was still here especially to meet his granddaughter, she is jut like him.  I'm in so much trouble, I see it now.  TPWB is doing great getting ready to get the MX season started next week,  He is riding well for him, Just gotta get all the negativity out of his head.  Its funny when the people you care about, don't support what you want to do how it can affect especially a kid trying to do something he loves.  So to all you peeps out there if you have a family member that does something and you really don't agree with it still try to support them, it will make all the difference in the world to that person in your life... well I've gotta get to the grocery store and the barn.... no, I haven't gotten a new horse yet, still working on that