Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day one
Well I figured Saturday I go ahead and get started.... Head out to the barn to ride... I left my normal bridle at home so I just used what I could find in my trailer.... yea a wonder bit will work, tie down oops forgot it too... well she is 19 surely she won't do anything stupid... yea right who was I kidding, she might be 19 but she hasn't changed a bit. I probably should have lunged her before I started but I was using the age factor. HA! We made a couple loops around the pasture at a walk, tried trotting she do that for a few strides, then decide she wants to do her fired up, little short lope, this went on for a good 30 minutes it was getting dark so I decided I better quit while I was ahead. I'll be ready for her Sunday
not her best picture, she is standing in a hole, and has been out on pasture for the last 3 1/2 years but didn't have my barn dude with me to hold the beast. Just kidding she really isn't a beast :) Well Sunday was a little bit better than Saturday... she was still doing her little let me at them short lope but all and all pretty good if I can just keep Penny the pony from hollering the whole time I'm riding and keeping Fancy's mind on me.... we shall see. I still don't know if she is going to hold up to go back to the barrel pen but time will tell she does have a little arthur in one of her knees and her hocks but you wouldn't know it by the way she moves around in the pasture. Figuring I will just ride her, and let her tell me if she can handle it or not. Hopefully you all will be able to see a change in her muscle tone... Heck I might even see a change in mine... we both have gotten kinda of Flabby in our older age.

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